The Challenges

In a meeting, how can any conclusions be made if people cannot even agree on what the issue/question is? Similarly, in daily business, there are often issues caused by an inability to agree on what the main issues even are. This, however, is the first step to meeting success, and not identifying the key issues prevents effective resolution and decision making. The main issue is prone to becoming lost or ignored, so it is essential to clarify it.

About the Program

Logical thinking is not simply about knowing frameworks such as MECE or logic trees.

Can you understand the other person’s questions, and answer appropriately? What is the main point? These are the questions that must be asked when talking about logical thinking, especially in a daily work environment. What is important is to grow and utilize these skills. The program is directed towards all corporate levels, from junior staff to mid-career as well as management positions.

Grasp the Main Point of the Issue in Daily Business

Learn how to give the most appropriate solution to any issue by quickly understanding and grasping its main point.

Create Business Papers That Get to the Point

Learn the skills needed to create papers and documents that are organized and clear, from the perspective of both content and structure.


Acquire the essential skills for holding punctual, clear, and fruitful meetings, which requires both effective facilitation and participation.