The Challenges

How can the effectiveness and efficiency of MBA dispatch program improve?

We have had an MBA dispatch program for a long time now, but can it be improved?

“Our MBA dispatch program has a couple problems. There is a high turnover rate of employees after returning home, and the number of candidates is quite limited. Is there a way to send more employees to overseas posts while retaining the same networking benefits of an MBA program?”

Our Approach:

We offer a ‘Mini MBA Program” intended for young and mid-career employees with a focus on building both English and business communication skills. The short program duration of 3-4 months makes it easy to adjust to busy schedules, all while cutting the costs down to just 10% percent of an MBA dispatch program, allowing for more candidates to gain overseas experience. It also circumvents the problem of employee turnover as the Mini MBA Program does not grant degrees unlike conventional MBA programs.

The Results:

Studying together with independent and motivated businesspeople, the participants of the Mini MBA Program will gain useful inspiration and connections. The business and language skills they acquire shall greatly help them in their subsequent assignments and career.