The Challenges:

An Overwhelming Shortage of Global-minded Employees

In the past, companies were able to establish success solely within the domestic market. Now, however, due to the rapid globalization of business and the world generally, the need for a global-minded workforce is greater than ever. Such events as M&A of overseas companies and changes in top management from domestic staff to foreign staff are no longer just future possibilities but are becoming reality. However, perhaps the culture and atmosphere of your company are still far from global. Perhaps you have some talented employees who speak perfect English, but to send these talented individuals overseas is too costly for the company… Simply put, there aren’t enough employees who can work in global business, and the situation must be urgently dealt with.

Our Approach:

We offer a global human resources development program for selected top individuals, two days a month for a total period of ten months. On the kick-off training day, we make sure the participants understand the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of global business, that is, ‘why globalization is important for them and their company’ and ‘how they can gain the skills to better adapt to global business.’ Participants will learn the skills of presenting, writing emails, and debating, as well as leadership and giving presentations to Management. By practicing their skills, presenting their own vision, and receiving constructive peer feedback, students can gain confidence through a clear sense of improvement, their growing independence, and a true understanding of teamwork.

The Results:

The changes in the participants in our program are remarkable. Having learned the necessary skills and mindset to participate in global business, some graduates are even assigned to work overseas immediately after the program. From the graduates, we have received feedback such as “It was undeniably the most productive and beneficial training I have ever had” and “I felt that the instructors themselves sincerely enjoyed global business. I would like to take a step forward and enjoy it as well” and also “The program was a turning point for not only my career but also for my life. It changed me in a dramatic way”. The positive results of this program have led a number of our clients to dramatically advance their internal global training goals as they now realize that investing in people will create success in the global marketplace.